Improved Asset Withdrawal Feature on Bibit : UI/UX Case Study

Bhaskara Indra
6 min readJan 20, 2023


What is Bibit?

Bibit is a financial technology company that provides a mutual fund buying and selling portal to trade mutual fund investment products online from various investment management companies.

Problem Statement

Some users and even old users submit their complaints about the asset withdrawal process which takes a long time, approximately every 2–3 days of the withdrawal process. Users want the process to be reduced to hours or even minutes as is the case with other financial applications.


In this research I carried out an end-to-end process starting from UX Researcher, UX Design, UI Design, to Usability Testing


I did the research process until the usability test for about 3 weeks.


In this research i used tools like Figma, Whatsapp, and Google Spreadsheet.

Figma as application redesign, Whatsapp for communication with users and Google Sheets for recording the results of interviews with users.

Finding from the Research

4 out of 5 participants use the Bibit app to invest and save their money for a long-term

participants only use Bibit as an investment application and do not open the application regularly

5 out of 5 participants knew about the Bibit application from social media and their friends

Information about the Bibit application comes from social media and participants’ friends, so in general quite a lot of people know about the Bibit application

3 out of 5 Bibit participants use the application once a month or once every 2 weeks to see the growth of their profits

In this group, some participants use the Seeds application only to see the progress of profits from the funds they have saved, the same as in point 1

5 out of 5 participants want the Robo feature to be further improved in order to benefit users in investing

Overall, 5 out of 5 participants in the withdrawal process can be disbursed as soon as possible

Affinity Diagram

Affinity Diagram is used to find out User Habits, User Expectations, User Pain Points and What Users need.

Affinity Diagram User Bibit

From the Affinity Diagram can determine what is needed by the user by looking at the needs and expectations chart

User Persona

Creating a user persona obtained after an interview with a Bibit user

User Persona Bibit User

The User Persona is based on the summary results of interviews with all participants and the results are as above

Customer Journey Maps

The Customer Journey Maps that is obtained is the journey that the user has taken, starting from registration to feeling comfortable using Bibit application

Customer Journey Map

The Customer Journey Map explains the stages of the process carried out by users while using the Seeds application, from registration to the present


After understanding the problems faced by users represented by several participants, then I conducted research ranging from brenchmarking to similar competitor applications to conducting usability testing to participants. After doing research and interviews, I created a process that if it can speed up the withdrawal process to be faster and can solve the problems faced by users.

Actionable Plan — The Eisenhower Matrix

In this stage it is used to determine which ones are prioritized for immediate execution and which ones are not needed or discarded

Actionable Plan — The Eisenhower Decision Matrix

From the results of the Actionable Plan, there are 2 factors that are very urgent to do, namely accelerating the time to withdraw and adding a variety of investment products

“The most common problem experienced by users is the length of the withdrawal process”



I took IPOT as brenchmarking because IPOT itself also has the same variety of investment products as Bibit so it is suitable to be used as a competitor in this research, and IPOT itself has a fast feature in disbursing user funds a maximum of 1x24 even when the stock exchange trading hours are over, user funds can be immediately liquidated.

User Flow

User flow

Describes the process flow from user login to withdrawal

Information Architecture

Information Architecture aplikasi Bibit

Explain the foundation in the Bibit application according to user needs



High Fidelity for the withdrawal process starting from the landing page on the home page until the asset withdrawal process is successful

Design System

Usability Testing

Usability Testing is used to find out how users behave towards the latest designs and features


Prototype proses withdraw user

A step by step guide for users to withdraw their assets from the homepage to the success page at the end.

Link Prototype


“You are currently in need of funds of 1 million for urgent needs, namely for IT competency test activities from the office where you work. You plan to use your retirement savings funds in the Bibit application for you to use to pay for the competency test fee. How do you use your savings funds to pay for your exam?”


Based on the UT test results, in general, according to users, the design is good and gives a difference in color from the previous design. However, users give suggestions such as at the beginning of the page has shown a “sell” button, it will feel more practical than having to go through several stages and the disbursement process is also good with a maximum process of 1x24 hours.

Design Recommendation

Different between Original Design and After Redesign
Image : user

You can see the difference between the original design and the redesign. the difference is in the time of disbursement of assets starting from the order received until the order is successful. in the original design it lasted for approximately 2 days, while in the redesign it only took 3 hours after the order was received.

Of course, in this redesign stage, it is also necessary to discuss with the Business Development section whether this is in accordance with the company’s business or is it detrimental to the company.


Users want everything to run quickly and safely, especially in terms of investment, therefore this research can help Bibit improve the facilities in its application so that users remain loyal and can invite other application users to switch to using Bibit.

“USERS are the boss, you are the designer. so, listen to them and everything will be fine”


User Persona

Affinity Diagram

Link Prototype

If you wanna discuss or view my profile and my another portfolio please click link below and let’s be friend!! Of course, i need a lot of suggestions or feedback from all of you!

LinkedIn Profile and Dribbble Profile



Bhaskara Indra

UI/UX Enthusiast, UX Research, UI Designer, Product Designer/Management, Business Analyze.